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Owasso Youth Baseball

Owasso Youth Baseball

 Owasso Youth Baseball League Rules

Fall 2024

Little Ram T-Ball

  1. A player must not sit out two consecutive innings.
  2. All teams will bat the bench. Late arrivals will be inserted as the last batter.
  3. The offensive team will bat the entire order, no outs are recorded. The defensive team may play the entire roster in the field. No defensive players are permitted to play catcher. After the last batter in the lineup has batted and crossed home plate then the teams will switch.
  4. A batter who puts the ball in play is only allowed to advance one base. When the last batter is at bat and has put the ball in play then the runners and batter runner are allowed to advance all bases ending with home.
  5. “Time” is after every play, unless it’s the last batter, and the ball is dead. “Time” shall be called when the batter or runners reach their base.
  6. Coaches may interchange defensive players.
  7. Time limit – 45minutes
  8. A defensive and offensive coach may stand in the field and coach players or runners as long as they don’t interfere with the play of the game. Defensive coaches shall only be permitted to stand in the infield and outfield and verbally and physically assist players. Offensive coaches shall be permitted to stand at a base each base to assist runners.
  9. 8.5oz safety baseball will be used.
  10. Pre-Game warm-ups in the outfield only. No soft toss, heavy ball, or hitting any object into the fence on the baseball fields. Please talk to your outfielders about digging holes in the outfield. Do not allow your players to hit into the fences or climb on them.
  11. Ending the Game: The game will end when the time limit has expired. The game can end in a tie.

6u & 7u Modified Coach Pitch

1.     A player must not sit out two consecutive innings.

  1. All teams will bat the bench. Late arrivals will be inserted as the last batter.
  2. The pitching coach for each team will throw each batter 3 pitches. If the ball is not put into play then the batter can choose to take two more pitches from the coach or the batter can have 2 attempts/swings to put the ball into play off of the batting tee. The head coach may also elect to have the batter start with the tee and take no pitches from the coach. If this option is chosen, then the batter will have 5 swings to put the ball in play.
  3. The batter will be given an additional pitch/s or swings for a fouled 5th pitch or swing and continue to receive additional pitches or swings for foul balls after the 5th pitch or swing.
  4. Umpires shall call “Time” after every play and declare the ball dead. “Time” shall be called as soon as the lead runner is not attempting to advance. “Time” does not have to be called by the defense for the purpose of this rule.
    Comment: When a runner stands off a base and “jukes” or “feints” back and forth, this is to be interpreted as “not attempting to advance” and “Time” shall be called.
  5. Coaches may interchange defensive players.
  6. Time limit – 1hr
  7. Run Rule –5 runs per ½ inning.
  8. There is no overall run rule.
  9. A defensive coach may stand in the outfield and coach players if he doesn’t interfere with the play of the game. The defensive coach is only permitted to verbally assist players. If the umpire feels the coach is impacting the game negatively, he can remove him.
  10. Regulation 9”, 5oz USSSA baseballs will be used.
  11. Pre-Game warm-ups in the outfield only. No soft toss, heavy ball, or hitting any object into the fence on the baseball fields. Please talk to your outfielders about digging holes in the outfield. Do not allow your players to hit into the fences or climb on them.
  12. Ending the Game: The game will end when the time limit has expired. The game can end in a tie.

8u Coach Pitch

1.     A player must not sit out two consecutive innings.

  1. All teams will bat the bench. Late arrivals will be inserted as the last batter.
  2. The pitching coach for each team will throw each batter 6 pitches. The batter will have 3 swinging strikes. If the batter gets to strike 3 before the amount of pitches has been thrown then the batter is out.
  3. The batter will be given an additional pitch/s for a fouled 6th pitch and continue to receive additional pitches for foul balls after the 6th pitch.
  4. Umpires shall call “Time” after every play and declare the ball dead. “Time” shall be called as soon as the lead runner is not attempting to advance. “Time” does not have to be called by the defense for the purpose of this rule.
    Comment: When a runner stands off a base and “jukes” or “feints” back and forth, this is to be interpreted as “not attempting to advance” and “Time” shall be called.
  5. Coaches may interchange defensive players.
  6. Time limit – 1hr
  7. Run Rule –5 runs per ½ inning.
  8. There is no overall run rule.
  9. A defensive coach may stand in the outfield and coach players as long as they don’t interfere with the play of the game. The defensive coach is only permitted to verbally assist players. If the umpire feels the coach is impacting the game negatively, they can remove the coach.
  10. Regulation 9”, 5oz USSSA baseballs will be used.
  11. Pre-Game warm-ups in the outfield only. No soft toss, heavy ball, or hitting any object into the fence on the baseball fields. Please talk to your outfielders about digging holes in the outfield. Do not allow your players to hit into the fences or climb on them.
  12. Ending the Game: The game will end when the time limit has expired. The game can end in a tie.


USSSA Rules Specific for 5U/6U, 7U/8U Modified Coach Pitch

1.     8.01 Fair Ball Arc: There shall be a twenty (20) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. A batted ball must go past this line to be a fair ball.

2.     8.02 Safety Arc: There shall be a thirty (30) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. Infielders must stay behind this line until the ball is hit.

3.     8.03 Pitching Circle: There shall be a ten (10) foot diameter circle with the front edge at forty-two (42) feet from the rear point of home plate.

4.     8.04 Pitcher’s Line: There shall be a line drawn from the pitcher’s circle to the safety arc.

5.     8.04.A The pitching coach shall keep one foot on or straddle the pitcher’s line. The Coach can pitch anywhere in-between the 30’ Safety Arc and the 42’ Pitching Circle.

6.     8.04.B The pitching coach shall not verbally or physically coach while in the pitching position

7.     8.04.C The pitching coach shall position himself as not to be an obstruction to the defensive team on any possible play once the ball has been hit.

8.     Rule 8.04.C Penalty: If a coach violates this rule after the ball is pitched, obstruction shall be called.

9.     Rule 8.04.C Additional Penalty: If a coach violates this rule before the ball is pitched, First Offense: Warning; Second Offense: Removal of coach as the pitcher for the remainder of the game.

10.  8.05 Pitching Coach: The Pitching Coach shall be an adult at least eighteen (18) years of age.

11.  8.06 The catcher shall receive the pitch in the catcher’s box in a normal baseball manner. If in the Umpire’s judgment, the catcher is not receiving the ball in a normal baseball manner, there shall be a warning issued. If the act continues after the warning, the offending teams’ manager shall be ejected.

12.  8.07 Ten (10) defensive players shall play in the field with four (4) outfielders. The fourth (4th) outfielder shall not assume an infield position. All outfielders shall stay behind the baseline.

13.  8.08 The defensive player listed as pitcher shall not leave the pitching circle until the ball is hit.

14.  Rule 8.08 Penalty: The play continues. After the play has ended, the offensive team has the option of taking the result of the play or no-pitch.

15.  Rule 8.08 Additional Penalty: First Offense: Warning; Second Offense: Removal of player from the pitching position for the remainder of the game.

16.  8.10 The Infield Fly Rule shall not be in effect at any time.

17.  8.13 Bunting shall not be allowed.

18.  8.15 A player may only be Intentionally Walked once per game by announcement from the defensive team.

19.  8.16 Runners shall not lead-off or steal bases. A runner is out for leaving the base before the ball is hit or reaches home plate.

20.  8.17 A courtesy runner for catcher of record only the previous inning may be used. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. If no outs have been recorded in the game, the courtesy runner shall be the previous batter not on base. If the team batting has not played defense yet and a courtesy runner is used for a player, the player that was run for must assume the catching position the next inning. This scenario only applies in the first inning for the visiting team.

21.  8.20 When a batted ball hits the Pitching Coach, the following shall apply:

22.  8.20.A If in the Umpire’s judgment, the coach did not make a legitimate attempt to avoid contact, the batter is declared out and no runners shall advance.

23.  8.20.B If in the Umpire’s judgment, the coach did make a legitimate attempt to avoid contact, the ball becomes dead and a no-pitch is declared.

9U/10U Kid Pitch

  1. MLB and USSSA rules apply with the below exceptions.
  2. Teams have the option of playing 10 defensive fielders: 6 infields and 4 outfielders.
  3. Teams may play with less than 9 players with no penalty.
  4. The dropped 3rd strike rule will not be in effect. If the catcher drops the 3rd called or swung at strike the batter is still out and may not attempt to advance to first base.  Any other runners on the bases may attempt to steal at their own risk.
  5. Game time limit:1 hour 15 minutes
  6. Game time clock starts after the 1st pitch, the home plate umpire will notify the home team score keeper the time.  An inning will be complete when time is called (No dead stop time limit).  The beginning of an inning starts immediately after the last out from the home team. 
  7. Run Rule –5 runs per ½ inning.
  8. There is no overall run rule.
  9. Ending the Game: The game will end when the time limit has expired. The game can end in a tie.

11U/12U Kid Pitch and 13U/14U Kid Pitch

  1. MLB and USSSA rules apply with the below exceptions.
  2. Teams may only have 9 defensive fielders: 6 infields and 3 outfielders.
  3. Teams may play with less than 9 players with no penalty.
  4. Game time limit:1 hour 15 minutes
  5. Game time clock starts after the 1st pitch, the home plate umpire will notify the home team score keeper the time.  An inning will be complete when time is called (No dead stop time limit).  The beginning of an inning starts immediately after the last out from the home team. 
  6. Run Rule –5 runs per ½ inning.
  7. There is no overall run rule.
  8. Ending the Game: The game will end when the time limit has expired. The game can end in a tie.

Rules that apply to all ages divisions

1.     Complete games:
  a. 6 inning scheduled game – 2 ½ innings will constitute a complete game if the home team is ahead, or 3 complete innings if the visiting team is ahead.
  b. 7 inning scheduled game – 3 ½ innings will constitute a complete game if the home team is ahead, or 4 complete if the visiting team is ahead.

2.     Suspended games will be resumed by referencing the “HOME” book.

  1. If a player cannot continue play due to injury, the batting team shall not be penalized an out for missing his/her spot in the batting order. An injured player can return to the line-up. If the player leaves a game injured a second time, the player will be removed for the remainder of the game.
  2. Use of an illegal bat: follow USSSA rule 7.01.C Penalty
  3. Maximum number of three coaches in the dugout for 9U – 14U leagues and four coaches for 7U and 8U leagues.
  4. Coaches outside of the dugout within arm’s length of the dugout fence should be noted as a privilege.  It should be noted that they are treated as an obstruction if the ball touches them or any equipment they are using, example: bucket or stool, and the play will become a dead ball at that point.
  5. Coaches certification is required for all coaches on the playing field.  Each league will honor the home league coach’s certification for coaches playing away from their home park.
  6. The OYB Board approved roster will be the official team roster for recreational teams.
  7. Home Team – the 3rd base dugout, Visiting Team – 1st base dugout.
  8. Any coach or parent ejected from a game must leave the complex immediately for the rest of the game.   If a fan or parent is ejected then the head coach will be ejected as well.  If they are ejected after a game has completed, they must sit out the next game. If a player is ejected from a game, they must return to the bench and remove their uniform top for the remainder of that game. They may return for the next game unless the ejection occurred after the game has been completed. In that case, they must sit out the next scheduled game.
  9. Any person committing or threatening physical violence will be ejected immediately and that person will be suspended from all the parks participating in interleague for the remainder of the current season.  The board of the home park of the individual will determine additional consequences of such behavior and will attempt to notify the offender in writing prior to the beginning of the next baseball season.
  10. Any rules disputes must be presented to the Head Umpire or Board of OYB.


Owasso Youth Baseball
Owasso Sports Park 
Owasso, Oklahoma 74055

Phone: 918-404-3521
Email: [email protected]

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